Your Most Underrated Superpower for Business and Career Success in 2024” (It’s So Much More Than Just a Fluffy Feel-Good Factor!


What Superpower Am I Talking About?


It’s Something Called: Positivity!


Positivity is not merely a feel-good factor; it's a truly transformative force for your life. During my journey as a Recruiter, I discovered that this goes way beyond mere optimism but rather it a mindset that enhances problem-solving, sparks creativity, and fosters effective collaboration.


Danny’s Experience- Enough With The Positivity!

Throughout my entire career as a professional Recruiter and my life in general, there have been countless well-meaning friends, family, colleague’s and manager’s that I have worked with, whom have told me “Danny you are just way to positive and you need to be more realistic”


After continually hearing this for many years, I regretfully took the advice that they had given me and for a period of time, I silenced my innate desire look at life with a “glass half full approach” and instead I moved toward taking steps to adopt a more pragmatic personality style.


After trying to be someone I wasn’t for years I decided that it was time to go back to being “Positive Danny” again because “Pragmatic Danny” just wasn’t giving me the satisfaction and results I had once had.


The moment decided to bring Positivity back into my life, things slowly began to change for the better it major ways. As a result of getting re-introduced to the old Danny. Embracing my former self led to me re-gaining the resilience and persistence that I once had and as a result, remarkable changes happened for me in both my personal and professional life.


I remembered that by maintaining a positive outlook, I was better equipped to turn challenges into opportunities. Embracing a growth mindset, as described by Carol S. Dweck in her book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success," has enabled me to thrive amidst adversity. I think Positivity is about seeing setbacks as stepping stones to success and continuously learning and growing from.


Aside from my own personal experience adopting a style of Positivity, through my research on the subject I discovered there is a tremendous amount of work that has been studied by many leading Psychologist’s and Business Though-Leaders for years.


The Science Behind Positivity and Success:


In "Positive Intelligence," author Shirzad Chamine explores how positive mental habits can significantly enhance one’s ability to achieve success. He argues that positivity leads to better problem-solving, higher levels of creativity, and more effective collaboration – all essential skills-sets that are needed in today’s dynamic work environments especially, if you are a candidate that is going to looking at the market for a new position in 2024.


The Role of Positivity in Leadership and Culture


In "The Happiness Advantage," Shawn Achor discusses how positivity can lead to greater success. This principle is particularly relevant in leadership, where a positive attitude can inspire and motivate teams, creating a more innovative work environment and it will also attract the best talent in the market to join your organization.


Is it possible find the balance between realism and optimism?


Here’s the part where I contradict myself a bit, as I continue to grow both personally and professionally, I have begun to learn that even though this advice may have not been presented in the best way by the people in my life that gave me it, they did have a point, as I admittedly have learnt the hard way that positivity is most effective when balanced with realism.


Looking back, I truly believe that these people in my life genuinely cared about me, they were well-meaning and wanted to help someone, that was just starting out in the workforce at that time in my life, however I think they were giving me that advice in the wrong sequence.


Choosing Between Positivity and Reality

I still believe to this day that if I have to choose between optimistic and realism, I would advise someone that is going to be taking on a big new undertaking this year to go with the Overly-Optimistic approach first because that it what will get you to start and keep going and not giving up as you face setbacks during the process and as you get better and adding that new skillset or undertaking you can start to add in some realism so you can then make more thoughtful and strategic decisions when you are ready to enter that next season of your journey.


In conclusion:

My own experiences have taught me that embracing positivity can help you conquer challenges, seize opportunities, and thrive in your professional journey like nothing else.


As this year comes to an end let’s remember that positivity is not just a feel-good concept; it's a strategic tool that can transform your professional life in 2024.


Embrace it, learn from setbacks, inspire others, and then try to find that right balance between optimism and realism that works for you!

Recruitment Insights

By Danny Herskowitz 14 Jun, 2024
The Recruitment Ripple Effect: Why Each Hire Spreads Growth Across Your Organization In recruitment, the profound impact of strategic hiring resonates deeply with the "ripple effect" concept explored in "The Compound Effect" by Darren Hardy. As discussed in the analysis "Ripple Effect: The Psychology of Behavior Change" by Shortform Books, small actions and decisions can cascade into significant life impacts. This principle holds true in the corporate world as well, where each hire not only fills a position but also initiates a series of transformative changes within the organization. Here’s how each new hire contributes to spreading growth throughout your client's organizations, underpinned by this psychological principle of behavior change. 1. Amplifying Team Performance and Morale Just as small behavioral changes can lead to significant personal transformations, the addition of one new team member can enhance the entire team's performance and morale. This new hire brings fresh energy and perspectives that can motivate existing staff, leading to improved productivity and a more vibrant workplace culture. This boost in morale and performance is a direct application of the ripple effect in a corporate setting. 2. Infusing Innovation and Fresh Perspectives Each new employee carries unique experiences that, when introduced to an existing team, can disrupt the status quo positively. This aligns with Hardy's concept that small, consistent actions lead to monumental changes over time. In a business context, these fresh insights can lead to innovative solutions and approaches that redefine how the organization tackles challenges and capitalizes on opportunities. 3. Enhancing Operational Efficiencies The ripple effect in operational efficiencies begins with a single strategic hire. Someone adept in new technologies or methodologies can introduce process improvements that enhance productivity and reduce costs. This concept mirrors the behavioral changes discussed in Hardy's work, where minor adjustments in daily habits can transform one's personal and professional life dramatically. 4. Expanding Market Reach and Business Development Strategic hires often come with specialized knowledge or skills that can open up entirely new avenues for business growth. This expansion is not merely a direct result of the individual's capabilities but is amplified by their interactions and influence within the team. As Hardy suggests, small efforts, consistently applied, are what lead to the most significant rewards. 5. Building and Sustaining a Strong Organizational Culture Incorporating the right individuals into your organization reinforces desired cultural values, which in turn attracts and retains top talent. This cultural strength starts with individual hires who embody and spread these values, illustrating how initial conditions, much like the small behavioral changes Hardy describes, can set the stage for larger organizational transformations. 6. Developing Future Leadership Investing in potential leaders is like planting seeds for future success, a theme resonant with the ripple effects of behavior change. These leaders will one day make critical decisions that shape the company's trajectory, demonstrating how foundational elements, no matter how small, can result in expansive outcomes. Conclusion The ripple effect, as analyzed in "The Compound Effect" and interpreted in recruitment, highlights the broad and lasting impact of each hiring decision. By understanding how each new hire can initiate transformative changes within an organization, hiring managers can better appreciate the strategic importance of their roles. Each recruitment decision is not just filling a vacancy but is a deliberate step towards shaping the organization's future, underscoring the profound, cascading impact of the ripple effect in the business world. 
By Danny Herskowitz 11 Jun, 2024
I n the dynamic sector of Accommodation, attracting and retaining top talent is as crucial as ensuring guest satisfaction. To become a leading employer—a 'dream destination' for employees—companies must not only distinguish themselves from traditional workplaces but also compete with the appeal of remote work. This requires creating a workplace culture that is as unique and engaging as the services or products offered, and that meets the evolving needs of today's workforce. This article presents practical strategies to make your business the top choice for industry talent! Insights: Employee Empowerment: Empowering employees by involving them significantly in shaping guest experiences fosters a sense of ownership and pride, enhancing motivation and engagement. Workplace Diversity: Promoting a culture that values diverse perspectives can spur innovative solutions and more accurately reflect a broad spectrum of customer needs and preferences. Comprehensive Compensation: Offering more than just fair wages, by crafting a robust benefits package that caters to the unique challenges of accommodation workers, including wellness programs and performance incentives, is essential. Action Points: Innovative Time Off Strategies: Modernize traditional vacation policies to better meet the needs of employees with initiatives like: Time Banking: Employees can bank extra hours worked and use them as credits for additional time off during quieter periods. Mini Breaks: Implement shorter, more frequent breaks during shifts to help staff recharge, reducing burnout and maintaining high energy levels. Seasonal Leave: Modify leave policies to allow for longer vacations during off-peak seasons, letting staff take time off when it’s most convenient. Encouraging Hard Work While Fostering Job Satisfaction: Strike a balance between demanding work and rewarding initiatives: Gamification: Introduce game-like elements into routine tasks to make them more engaging. Recognition Programs: Establish a system to celebrate employee achievements, improving the workplace atmosphere and guest satisfaction. Creative Approaches to Workplace Dynamics: Rotational Roles: Provide opportunities for employees to rotate through different roles or departments to broaden their skills and vary their workdays. Educational Workshops: Regularly host seminars and workshops related to the industry to enhance employee skills and contribute to their professional development. Considerations: Professional Growth: Dedicate resources to continuous learning opportunities specifically designed for the accommodation sector, including partnerships with educational institutions and in-house training led by experts. Promotion from Within: Enhance morale and commitment by prioritizing internal candidates for new roles, demonstrating a clear pathway for career advancement within the organization. Enhancing Work-Life Integration: Given the demanding nature of the industry, it is crucial to support employees in effectively balancing their professional and personal lives through flexible scheduling and understanding management. Conclusion: Your Company as a Dream Workplace: Transforming your business into a highly sought-after workplace demands persistent and concerted efforts from all management levels. By embracing these innovative strategies, your company can stand out as an industry leader, known not only for its service excellence but also as a premier employer. Call to Action: Start by evaluating current employee satisfaction and engagement levels to pinpoint areas for improvement. Implement dynamic feedback mechanisms to continually adapt and refine your workplace strategies. Danny Herskowitz is the CEO & Founder of JML Search LLC, a recruitment firm focused on helping companies in the Accommodation sector find the best talent. To learn more about our Recruitment Services please e-mail:
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